
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)

Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Lichtenstein (Basic Art)
Без НДС: 77.00BYN
  • Наличие
    Маркса, 11 3+
    Киселева, 39Лето Брэдбери 1
    Независимости, 83Солнечная Аллея 1
    Богдановича, 23 1
  • Издательство: TASCHEN
The Pop star: When art went Whaam American painter Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) pioneered a new epoch in American art, bursting onto a scene dominated by Abstract Expressionism in late 1950s New York and defining a new art vocabulary for a new era.With his groundbreaking use of industrial production techniques and trivial, quotidian imagery such as cartoons, comic strips, and advertising, Lichtenstein joined contemporaries such as Andy Warhol and James Rosenquist to reflect and satirize American mass media and consumer culture. Works such as Look, Mickey (1961), Drowning Girl (1963), and Whaam (1963), deployed mass production techniques, particularly Ben-Day dots printing, to create a blow-up effect and pixelated dot style, with which Lichtenstein has become synonymous.This book provides an essential overview of Lichtenstein s career, tracing his earliest Pop statements through to later brushstroke retorts to Abstract Expressionism and reinterpretations of modern masterpieces. We look at his leading position in mid-century modernism, and the ways in which his works both critique and chronicle 20th-century America.About the series: Each book in TASCHEN s Basic Art series features: a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance a concise biography approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions.
О книге
АвторJanis Hendrickson
Формат210x260 мм


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Издательство: MARKS
Без НДС:3.50BYN
Издательство: Самокат
Все рыцари спешат на турнир в замок Клёцкиборг, и только Розамунд и Бэнг замешкались в раздевалке. Тут-то их и взял в оборот король: принцессу, его не..
Без НДС:48.50BYN
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