
Design of the 20th Century

Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Design of the 20th Century
Без НДС: 130.00BYN
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  • Издательство: TASCHEN
This is the bible of breakthroughs and inspiration in the design of the 20th century. Poised at the start of the 21st century, we can see clearly that the previous century was marked by momentous changes in the field of design. Aesthetics entered into everyday life with often staggering results. Our homes and workplaces turned into veritable galleries of style and innovation. From furniture to graphics, it's all here — the work of artists who have shaped and recreated the modern world with a dizzying variety of materials. From the organic to the geometric, from Art Deco, through to Pop and High-Tech, this book contains all the great names — Bernhard Bertoia, De Stijl, Dieter Rams, Philippe Starck, Charles and Ray Eames, to name only a very few. This essential book is a comprehensive journey through the shapes and colors, forms and functions of design history in the 20th century. This title offers an A—Z of designers and design schools, which builds into a complete picture of contemporary living. Lavishly illustrated, this is design in the fullest sense.
О книге
АвторCharlotte & Peter Fiell
Формат140 x 195 мм


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Без НДС:3.50BYN
Издательство: Самокат
Все рыцари спешат на турнир в замок Клёцкиборг, и только Розамунд и Бэнг замешкались в раздевалке. Тут-то их и взял в оборот король: принцессу, его не..
Без НДС:48.50BYN
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